
Hello All!

This website was formerly a blog called Culture Keeper. It was originally a place to keep track of the beautiful things my friends were making… and gradually it grew into its own digital magazine with an amazing team of folks. I wanted to keep that archive of articles available… and continue to grow and explore through writing some of the ideas we are exploring with Zephyrlings… but we shall see how that all evolves.

The word “zephyrlings” is a translation of a word coined by Goethe from a wee bit of text (that to my knowledge never made it into one of his poems or books):

“Weil er da recht war wo er war und nicht von Zephiretten Traumage von nichts getragen ward.”

“Because he was exactly where he was and not blown by dreamy zephyrlings from nought to nought”

This phrase has been a constant source of inspiration for me over the past two decades, and I hope it gives you something lovely to ponder as well.

We are launching Zephyrlings this month with a wallpaper that has been years in the making. I am excited to share that with you all soon.

Thanks for following along as we build something new!

Best Wishes,

Jonathan Randall Grant

Creative Director, Zephyrlings