In the Forest - Featuring Ben and Bruno

In the Forest from Culture Keeper

A  F E W  months ago I was wondering around downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan- an activity I highly recommend.  Whilst in the shop Miscellany I discovered a copy of Marcescant by Ben and BrunoJohn Hanson had been recommending them- so I purchased said record and played it on repeat for weeks and weeks. The opening song "Do not go to the bar" so intrigued me that I had to create something with it... This video was the result. The video was created by

Ricky Cohete in the woods of northern Michigan. It was a great excuse to show off the handmade scarf from Threadbare Supply Company. Be sure to check out their site and follow Sara (the designer) on Pinterest (she is one of my faves). You can find more music from Ben and Bruno here. The adorable little pups frolicking along with me are the companions of Mike and Megan Gilger of The Fresh Exchange. 

Jonathan Randall Grant


Culture Keeper