
As Winter gets slightly Vernal I start to think about Summer. Summer has a lot to do with sailing, and picnics and swimming and riding your bike lazily down main street. Last summer I was living in Traverse City, Michigan. It was great because I could ride my bike to the beach in under five minutes- so I tended to swim several times a day. There were plenty of outdoor festivals and good energy everywhere. On the other hand I did go to the beach a lot by myself which is not always the most fun- and I read a lot of Camus- not a summerfuncombo that I would recommend. Perhaps this summer I will be somewhere new- I have no idea- but I will try to be in a place where I don't have to swim alone every day. The best parts of this summer were the visits from friends and family. I recently raided my friend Michael Newsted's Instagram archive for pics from our sailing picnic. That was a splendid day of tea and thrifting and lounging and swimming and meeting new friends and dining with old friends and of exploration. As always we did it in style:

Check out more of Michael's work on his wonderful blog!