I think it is fascinating what people carry each day. Some people keep things really simple- wallet and cell phone. I do not. As a child I was told "always be prepared"... And not just told, mind you, I was trained to be prepared. Even today I find it impossible to leave the house without a bag. (currently loving the Burberry Prorsum above) And well, here are my essentials:
+ Altoids (my addiction. original or ginger)
+ Novel (for a spare hour. currently reading Hemingway)
+ Larousse (French/English dicionary. for spare moments)
+ Pen (specifically a: Pilot V7 precise fine. fave)
+ Planner (slim, leatherbound)
+ Notebook/sketchbook (moleskin)
+ Chapstick (organic peach from Ella's in Traverse City)
+ Ciggarette Case (that I use as a wallet)
+ Keys/Cell Phone (duh)
+ Toothbrush and Deoderant
(one never knows where the day/night will lead)
+ Snack (raw almonds, or an apple)
Everyone has a few peculiarities of their daily portage.
What do you carry with you each day?